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IPC Certification Programme Explained


IPC Levels of Training

Advanced Rework Technology Ltd are able to offer all of the IPC training courses to all three levels of training.

  • CITs are authorised to deliver and administer CIS or CID/CID+ training and certification exams to individuals who wish to gain IPC Certification to an IPC standard/document.
  • Certification will be granted by IPC to those who successfully complete the required program and/or passes the minimum skills measurements set by each programs technical training committee.
  • This will include, as a minimum, passing the required examination(s) and, as defined in the program, may require completion of specific workmanship demonstrations. To a minimum IPC level of proficiency.
  • CIS training and certification is intended for any individual that will benefit by having the consistent understanding of the criteria in a standard. Line operators, process and quality engineers will find this training and certification beneficial for their knowledge in the electronics industry.
  • The programs will train, test and certify in the correct application of the criteria of all product classes.
  • CIS training is modular. Upon successful completion of the mandatory modules, optional modules maybe selected as appropriate to support various technology segments.
  • The CSE program confirms that an individual has demonstrated the level of knowledge and understanding required to act as a subject matter expert (SME) for specific IPC standards.
  • The CSE will possess the ability to navigate the IPC standard quickly and efficiently, Identify relevant sections of the standard to address specific questions, act as a subject matter expert on all requirements of the standard and apply the standard to specific company needs.

Why Choose A.R.T For IPC Certification?

Investing in training and certification helps companies and individuals demonstrate that they consider quality control practices important, meet the customer requirements that expect their suppliers to have recognised credentials and facilitate quality assurance initiatives.

Advanced Rework Technology Ltd is Europe’s leading IPC Accredited Training Partner and only one of two globally who can cover all IPC Certified Training Programmes to all certified levels of training.

For manufactures who build aerospace products or are working to gain contracts in this field, ART Ltd is the only IPC Accredited Training Partner in the UK authorized to teach bot of the Space Addendum training courses for IPC J-STD-001 and IPC WHMA-A-620.

Advanced Rework


PCB Rework
Advanced Rework Technology

Complete Solution for IPC training

The training staff at ART Ltd are highly experienced with every part of the industry from design, fabrication, through to assembly, quality and inspection.

This assists us with every step of our teaching making our courses second to none. The staff at ART Ltd also dedicate their time sitting on numerous IPC Standards Development and Training Committees. This gives us the added advantage and skills required to not just teach the latest requirements and revisions but fully understand changes to technical standards and associated training programmes.

In recognition of our extensive knowledge, skills and dedication, we are proud to be the recipients of many industry awards: in particular, the prestigious IPC Presidents Award. If you or your company does not have a requirement for certified IPC training, ART Ltd can offer bespoke training based around the needs of your company/product.

All training offered by ART Ltd can be presented at our fully equipped IPC electronics training centre in Essex or direct on customers premises, with all required theory and practical equipment supplied by ART Ltd.



Current Month

06janAll Day09IPC-A-610 CIT Certified IPC Trainer Training

06janAll Day10J-STD-001 CIS Certified IPC Specialist Training

13janAll Day15IPC-A-600 CIT/CIS Certified Training

13janAll Day17J-STD-001 CIT Certified IPC Trainer Training

10febAll Day11IPC 7711/7721 CIT Re-Certification Certified IPC Trainer

10febAll Day11IPC-A-610 CIT Re-Certification Certified IPC Trainer Training

11febAll Day13IPC-CID Certified Interconnect Design

12feb(feb 12)12:00 am13(feb 13)10:00 pmJ-STD-001 CIT Re-Certification Certified IPC Trainer Training

31marAll Day02aprIPC CID+ Enhanced Certified Interconnect Design Training

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